and /proc/swaps
for sure, but
LinuxStat::Memory will let you do that very easily.
LinuxStat reads some files that are available to users. So it can work without any root privilege.
Installing the gem is very simple. It doesn't require you root permission. But you do need to have GCC, make and ruby.h.On debian however, you need these 3 packages:pacman -S gcc make
ruby-dev provides the ruby.h header. You don't have to thing about anything else.apt install gcc make ruby-dev
For root installation:gem install linux_stat --user
You might prefer seeing the source code for this gem. Which can be found here. It's also conveniently under open-source MIT licence, and it's free to redistribute as you like.gem install linux_stat
Using the gem is quite simple, too... For example, if you need to check the available memory in the current system:Checking the CPU usage is easy peasy! I have a 4 thread CPU:irb irb(main):001:0> require 'linux_stat' => true irb(main):002:0> LinuxStat::Memory.available => 327820 irb(main):003:0> LinuxStat::Memory.percent_available => 8.52 irb(main):004:0> LinuxStat::Memory.used => 3509708 irb(main):005:0> LinuxStat::Memory.percent_used => 91.49 LinuxStat::Memory.total => 3836264
But hold on a moment!irb irb(main):001:0> require 'linux_stat' => true irb(main):002:0> LinuxStat::CPU.usages => {0=>3.33, 1=>0.0, 2=>12.5, 3=>0.0, 4=>12.5} irb(main):003:0> LinuxStat::CPU.count => 4 irb(main):004:0> LinuxStat::CPU.model => "Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6006U CPU @ 2.00GHz"
returns 5 values you might wonder.
irb irb(main):001:0> require 'linux_stat' => true irb(main):002:0> LinuxStat::CPU.usage => 3.33
All Methods and Constants
So if you run all the methods... On my laptop, at the moment it looks like...:irb irb(main):001:0> require 'linux_stat' => true irb(main):002:0> LinuxStat.constants.sort [:BIOS, :Battery, :CPU, :Kernel, :Memory, :Net, :OS, :Process, :StatUnavailable, :Swap, :VERSION]
LinuxStat::BIOS.date => "04/10/2017" LinuxStat::BIOS.model => "Inspiron 5567" LinuxStat::BIOS.vendor => "Dell Inc." LinuxStat::BIOS.version => "1.1.2"
LinuxStat::Battery.charge => 100.0 LinuxStat::Battery.charging? => true LinuxStat::Battery.discharging? => false LinuxStat::Battery.full? => true LinuxStat::Battery.manufacturer => "Samsung SDI" LinuxStat::Battery.model => "DELL CYMGM77" LinuxStat::Battery.present? => true LinuxStat::Battery.stat => {:model=>"DELL CYMGM77", :manufacturer=>"Samsung SDI", :technology=>"Li-ion", :status=>"Full", :charge=>100.0, :charging=>true, :discharging=>false, :full=>true} LinuxStat::Battery.status => "Full" LinuxStat::Battery.technology => "Li-ion"
LinuxStat::CPU.count => 4 LinuxStat::CPU.cur_freq => [2000006, 1999996, 2000043, 2000016] LinuxStat::CPU.max_freq => [2000000, 2000000, 2000000, 2000000] LinuxStat::CPU.model => "Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6006U CPU @ 2.00GHz" LinuxStat::CPU.stat => {0=>0.0, 1=>0.0, 2=>0.0, 3=>0.0, 4=>50.0} LinuxStat::CPU.total_usage => 40.0 LinuxStat::CPU.usage => 0.0 LinuxStat::CPU.usages => {0=>0.0, 1=>0.0, 2=>0.0, 3=>0.0, 4=>0.0}
LinuxStat::Filesystem.available => 44319854592 LinuxStat::Filesystem.free => 44319854592 LinuxStat::Filesystem.stat => {:total=>119981191168, :free=>44319854592, :used=>75661336576} LinuxStat::Filesystem.stat_raw => {:block_size=>4096, :fragment_size=>4096, :blocks=>29292283, :block_free=>10820277, :block_avail_unpriv=>10820277, :inodes=>58612160, :free_inodes=>56809150, :filesystem_id=>2050, :mount_flags=>1024, :max_filename_length=>255} LinuxStat::Filesystem.total => 119981191168 LinuxStat::Filesystem.used => 75661336576
LinuxStat::Kernel.build_date => 2020-11-20 07:44:55 +0000 LinuxStat::Kernel.build_date_string => "20 Nov 2020 07:44:55 +0000" LinuxStat::Kernel.build_user => "souravgoswami@archlinux" LinuxStat::Kernel.clk_tck => 100 LinuxStat::Kernel.compiler => [:gcc, "10.2.0"] LinuxStat::Kernel.compiler_version => "10.2.0" LinuxStat::Kernel.release => "5.9.9-xanmod1-1" LinuxStat::Kernel.string => "Linux version 5.9.9-xanmod1-1 (souravgoswami@archlinux) (gcc (GCC) 10.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.35.1) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri, 20 Nov 2020 07:44:55 +0000" LinuxStat::Kernel.ticks => 100 LinuxStat::Kernel.version => "5.9.9-xanmod1-1"
LinuxStat::Memory.available => 546856 LinuxStat::Memory.percent_available => 14.26 LinuxStat::Memory.percent_used => 85.74 LinuxStat::Memory.stat => {:total=>3836236, :used=>3289380, :available=>546856, :percent_used=>85.74, :percent_available=>14.26} LinuxStat::Memory.total => 3836236 LinuxStat::Memory.used => 3289380
LinuxStat::Mounts.device_stat => {:mountpoint=>"/", :total=>119981191168, :free=>44319854592, :available=>44319854592, :used=>75661336576, :percent_used=>63.06, :percent_free=>36.94, :percent_available=>36.94} LinuxStat::Mounts.devices_stat => {"proc"=>{:mountpoint=>"/proc", :total=>0, :free=>0, :available=>0, :used=>0, :percent_used=>NaN, :percent_free=>NaN, :percent_available=>NaN}, "sys"=>{:mountpoint=>"/sys", :total=>0, :free=>0, :available=>0, :used=>0, :percent_used=>NaN, :percent_fre... LinuxStat::Mounts.list => ["proc /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0", "sys /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0", "dev /dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=1892904k,nr_inodes=473226,mode=755 0 0", "run /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755 0 0", "... LinuxStat::Mounts.list_devices => ["proc", "sys", "dev", "run", "/dev/sda2", "securityfs", "tmpfs", "devpts", "tmpfs", "cgroup2", "cgroup", "pstore", "none", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "systemd-1", "mqu... LinuxStat::Mounts.list_devices_mount_point => {"proc"=>"/proc", "sys"=>"/sys", "dev"=>"/dev", "run"=>"/run", "/dev/sda2"=>"/", "securityfs"=>"/sys/kernel/security", "tmpfs"=>"/run/user/1000", "devpts"=>"/dev/pts", "cgroup2"=>"/sys/fs/cgroup/unified", "cgroup"=>"/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio", "pstore"=>"/... LinuxStat::Mounts.mount_point => "/" LinuxStat::Mounts.root => "/dev/sda2" LinuxStat::Mounts.root_fs => "xfs" LinuxStat::Mounts.root_mount_options => "rw,noatime,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota" LinuxStat::Mounts.tmpfs => {"/dev/shm"=>"tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0", "/sys/fs/cgroup"=>"tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,size=4096k,nr_inodes=1024,mode=755 0 0", "/cache"=>"tmpfs /cache tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=2097152k 0 0", "/ramdisk...
LinuxStat::Net.current_usage => {:received=>0.0, :transmitted=>0.0} LinuxStat::Net.ipv4_private => "" LinuxStat::Net.total_bytes => {:received=>1244270076, :transmitted=>103084409} LinuxStat::Net.total_bytes_received => 1244270076 LinuxStat::Net.total_bytes_transmitted => 103084409 LinuxStat::Net.usage => {:received=>0.0, :transmitted=>0.0}
LinuxStat::OS.bits => 64 LinuxStat::OS.distribution => "Arch Linux" LinuxStat::OS.hostname => "archlinux" LinuxStat::OS.lsb_release => {:LSB_VERSION=>"1.4", :DISTRIB_ID=>"Arch", :DISTRIB_RELEASE=>"rolling", :DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=>"Arch Linux"} LinuxStat::OS.machine => "x86_64" LinuxStat::OS.nodename => "archlinux" LinuxStat::OS.os_release => {:NAME=>"Arch Linux", :PRETTY_NAME=>"Arch Linux", :ID=>"arch", :BUILD_ID=>"rolling", :ANSI_COLOR=>"38;2;23;147;209", :HOME_URL=>"https://www.archlinux.org/", :DOCUMENTATION_URL=>"https://wiki.archlinux.org/", :SUPPORT_URL=>"https://bbs.archlinux.org/"... LinuxStat::OS.uptime => {:hour=>12, :minute=>31, :second=>39.76}
LinuxStat::Process.count => 207 LinuxStat::Process.idle => [3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 23, 30, 37, 39, 49, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 117, 118, 120, 122, 131, 134, 140, 152, 153, 168, 170, 173, 174, 177, 178, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 230, 267, 374, 376, 10126, 11712, 11713, 11714, 11715, 11716, 11717,... LinuxStat::Process.list => [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122, 131, 134,... LinuxStat::Process.names => {1=>"systemd", 2=>"kthreadd", 3=>"rcu_gp", 4=>"rcu_par_gp", 6=>"kworker/0:0H-kblockd", 9=>"mm_percpu_wq", 10=>"ksoftirqd/0", 11=>"rcuc/0", 12=>"rcu_preempt", 13=>"rcub/0", 14=>"migration/0", 15=>"idle_inject/0", 16=>"cpuhp/0", 17=>"cpuhp/1", 18=>"idle... LinuxStat::Process.running => [35289] LinuxStat::Process.sleeping => [1, 2, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 112, 114, 115, 167, 169, 189, 218, 233, 303, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 321, 324, 329, 330, 402, 405, 407, 408,... LinuxStat::Process.types => {1=>:sleeping, 2=>:sleeping, 3=>:idle, 4=>:idle, 6=>:idle, 9=>:idle, 10=>:sleeping, 11=>:sleeping, 12=>:idle, 13=>:sleeping, 14=>:sleeping, 15=>:sleeping, 16=>:sleeping, 17=>:sleeping, 18=>:sleeping, 19=>:sleeping, 20=>:sleeping, 21=>:sleeping, 23=>:i... LinuxStat::Process.zombie => []
LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.cmdline => "ruby /usr/bin/linuxstat.rb -html" LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.command_name => "ruby" LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.cpu_stat => {:cpu_usage=>0.0, :threads=>1, :last_executed_cpu=>3} LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.cpu_usage => 0.0 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.gid => {:real=>1000, :effective=>1000, :saved_set=>1000, :filesystem_uid=>1000} LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.last_executed_cpu => 3 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.mem_stat => {:memory=>12140.544, :virtual_memory=>83947.52, :resident_memory=>17985.536} LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.memory => 12140.544 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.nice => 0 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.owner => "sourav" LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.resident_memory => 17985.536 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.running_time => 0.8300000000017462 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.start_time => 2020-12-16 23:50:37.318675484 +0530 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.state => "R" LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.threads => 1 LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.total_io => {:read_bytes=>5660672, :write_bytes=>0} LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.uid => {:real=>1000, :effective=>1000, :saved_set=>1000, :filesystem_uid=>1000} LinuxStat::ProcessInfo.virtual_memory => 83947.52
LinuxStat::Swap.any? => true LinuxStat::Swap.available => 3078396 LinuxStat::Swap.list => {"/dev/zram0"=>[:partition, 4194300, 1115904, -2]} LinuxStat::Swap.percent_available => 73.39 LinuxStat::Swap.percent_used => 26.61 LinuxStat::Swap.stat => {:total=>4194300, :used=>1115904, :available=>3078396, :percent_used=>26.61, :percent_available=>73.39} LinuxStat::Swap.total => 4194300 LinuxStat::Swap.used => 1115904
LinuxStat::Sysconf.child_max => 2000000 LinuxStat::Sysconf.get_euid => 1000 LinuxStat::Sysconf.get_gid => 1000 LinuxStat::Sysconf.get_login => "sourav" LinuxStat::Sysconf.get_uid => 1000 LinuxStat::Sysconf.get_user => "sourav" LinuxStat::Sysconf.hostname_max => 64 LinuxStat::Sysconf.login_name_max => 256 LinuxStat::Sysconf.open_max => 1024 LinuxStat::Sysconf.pagesize => 4096 LinuxStat::Sysconf.posix_version => 200809 LinuxStat::Sysconf.sc_clk_tck => 100 LinuxStat::Sysconf.stream_max => 16 LinuxStat::Sysconf.tty_name_max => 32
LinuxStat::Uname.machine => "x86_64" LinuxStat::Uname.nodename => "archlinux" LinuxStat::Uname.release => "5.9.9-xanmod1-1" LinuxStat::Uname.sysname => "Linux" LinuxStat::Uname.version => "#1 SMP PREEMPT Fri, 20 Nov 2020 07:44:55 +0000"
LinuxStat::User.get_current_user => "sourav" LinuxStat::User.get_euid => 1000 LinuxStat::User.get_gid => 1000 LinuxStat::User.get_login => "sourav" LinuxStat::User.get_uid => 1000 LinuxStat::User.get_user => "sourav" LinuxStat::User.gid_by_username => 1000 LinuxStat::User.gids => {:root=>0, :bin=>1, :daemon=>2, :mail=>12, :ftp=>11, :http=>33, :nobody=>65534, :dbus=>81, :"systemd-journal-remote"=>982, :"systemd-network"=>981, :"systemd-resolve"=>980, :"systemd-timesync"=>979, :"systemd-coredump"=>978, :uuidd=>68, :avahi=>977, :... LinuxStat::User.home_by_gid => "/home/sourav" LinuxStat::User.home_by_username => "/home/sourav" LinuxStat::User.home_directories => {:root=>"/root", :bin=>"/", :daemon=>"/", :mail=>"/var/spool/mail", :ftp=>"/srv/ftp", :http=>"/srv/http", :nobody=>"/", :dbus=>"/", :"systemd-journal-remote"=>"/", :"systemd-network"=>"/", :"systemd-resolve"=>"/", :"systemd-timesync"=>"/", :"systemd-c... LinuxStat::User.homes_by_uid => ["/home/sourav"] LinuxStat::User.ids => {:root=>{:uid=>0, :gid=>0}, :bin=>{:uid=>1, :gid=>1}, :daemon=>{:uid=>2, :gid=>2}, :mail=>{:uid=>8, :gid=>12}, :ftp=>{:uid=>14, :gid=>11}, :http=>{:uid=>33, :gid=>33}, :nobody=>{:uid=>65534, :gid=>65534}, :dbus=>{:uid=>81, :gid=>81}, :"systemd-journal... LinuxStat::User.list => ["root", "bin", "daemon", "mail", "ftp", "http", "nobody", "dbus", "systemd-journal-remote", "systemd-network", "systemd-resolve", "systemd-timesync", "systemd-coredump", "uuidd", "avahi", "colord", "git", "lxdm", "polkitd", "rtkit", "usbmux", "sourav... LinuxStat::User.uid_by_username => 1000 LinuxStat::User.uids => {:root=>0, :bin=>1, :daemon=>2, :mail=>8, :ftp=>14, :http=>33, :nobody=>65534, :dbus=>81, :"systemd-journal-remote"=>982, :"systemd-network"=>981, :"systemd-resolve"=>980, :"systemd-timesync"=>979, :"systemd-coredump"=>978, :uuidd=>68, :avahi=>977, :c... LinuxStat::User.username_by_gid => "sourav" LinuxStat::User.usernames_by_uid => ["sourav"]Seeing the list, you might think I ran all methods and typed them all... Actually no... There's a script that can do that all for you... It can even calculate the time each method takes to execute and also generate readme type of file! Here's the file: bin/linuxstat.rb
Return Types
The returns types are clear in this gem.- In general, if a method returns either a Float or a Integer or a Time, it will return a Float or Integer or Time in all cases. But if the status isn't available, it will return nil.
- If the method returns a Hash / Array, it will return return Hash / Array in all cases. If the status isn't available, it will return an empty Hash / Array.
- If the method returns a String, it will return return String in all cases. If the status isn't available, it will return an empty frozen String.
- It doesn't have implementation of any Error that gets raised in runtime for the ease of use.
- If you need to check some stat that returns an integer or float, and you get nil, you know it's not available, so you can work accordingly. But if you need the integer or float value in 0 to whatever format, you can use the .to_i or .to_f method on the object, nil will get converted to number then.
No OS Check: This gem offers a lot of stuff. But the biggest caveat is that it doesn't check
what the host OS is. If you run this on Windows or Mac or even any Unix that is not Linux
this gem may crash directly. Hence the name linux_stat.
But as long as you are using Linux, it will always work no matter what your distribution is or if the system is old or new. So the user of this gem has to check what the host OS is, and load the gem accordingly. For example: require 'linux_stat' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].to_s[/linux/]
The 2nd problem is that it only supports from Ruby 2.5.
The current version of Ruby in 2020 is 2.7.
It looks like that it will probably keep supporting Ruby 2.5 for some time now, but if you are using Ruby < 2.5, you might not be able to use this gem at all...
Let me know your thoughts about this gem below!